What is the Broome Talent Development Program?

The Broome Talent Development Program aims to collaborate with community clubs to identify talented athletes, coaches and officials and provide programs to facilitate their development not only in their sport but also as an individual preparing them for higher representation.

Athlete Nominations

Athletes are nominated through a consultation process between State Sporting Associations, local clubs and associations and the program coordinator and service providers.

Selection Criteria

Be aged from 13 to 17 years.

Have the potential to compete at Regional, State or National level.

Be highly receptive to coaching.

Demonstrated desire to succeed, not only in their chosen sport, but also in educational, vocational and personal life.

Each club linked to the program is eligible to nominate a maximum of five athletes. Athletes are then invited to a development camp to be assessed by the Broome Talent Development coaching team.

Athlete Responsibilities

Be registered with a club or association and affiliated with the State Sporting Association.

Attend training sessions as provided and ensure you record your attendance.

Notify the coordinator if you are unable to attend with an explanation as to why.

Utilise a diary to ensure you are organised.

Complete Training Diary as requested.

Have FUN and enjoy the sessions.

Make new friends and gain new training buddies.

Wear training uniform to sessions and polo shirts to formal events.

Always behave in accordance with your nominated sports Players Code of Conduct.

Coaches and Umpires

Coaches and Umpires are invited to attend any athlete development sessions. The BSA will continue to invite them to any coaching/mentoring sessions when a professional coach is in Broome. We believe that a coach learns from exposure to many sports and we can all share knowledge from each other.

For any enquiries regarding the Broome Sports Association Talent Development Program email tdp@broomesportsassociation.org

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