Partner with stakeholders to support and develop sustainable sporting organisations to facilitate growth of local sport.


Fostering high performance, opportunity, growth, collaboration and recognition of sport and its participants in the West Kimberley, to facilitate a healthy and active community.


BSA was formed in 2009 with the focus on encouraging sporting clubs to work together to fill gaps in sport and recreation servicing and advocate for local sport. The core business of the BSA was the hosting of the Sports Awards. After a 13 year hiatus the event was held in 2009 and has run every year since, with the exception of 2014 when the Association did not have a working committee.

The Broome Sports Awards have been held from 1979 to 1994, from 2009 to 2013 and ongoing since 2015.

In 2014 a report was completed to establish gaps in coaching and official services. The report was presented to the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries (DLSCG) and led to the establishment of a partnership with DLSCG for the Broome Sports Association to coordinate the Broome Regional Talent Development Program.

The key focus of the Broome Sports Association is the delivery of the Talent Development Program (partnering with Life & Soul Health and Fitness Club to deliver the strength and conditioning component of the program along with other industry leaders who deliver specialised workshops specific to our Kimberley athletes needs) and the delivery of the annual gala event, the Broome Sports Awards.


Constitution updated in 2017
AGM is held annually in February
Financial Year is 1st January to 31st December
Executive: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer
General Committee: At least one other member, TDP Coordinator / Head Coach